Friday, August 15, 2008

Jason the Defender!

So, the other night I was dreaming that some guys had Kim and were hurting her. In my dream I had infinite karate skills, so I just ran up and round house kicked them in the face. When your wife is in trouble, you don't have time to think, you just have to react! The only problem is when I reacted in my dream, I also reacted in my sleep, which consisted of me kicking the wall right next to the bed really hard. I jacked up one of my toe's pretty bad but saving Kim was worth it.


Candace said...

Oh no! Sucks but really funny!

Kim Day said...

thanks for saving me :)

Erica said...

That was soooo funny. When were you here. We didn't even know. I will be so bummed if we missed you.